Fishery Notice

FN0436-Recreational - Sockeye - Area 23 Opening

Effective 00:01 hours May 1, 2021 until 23:59 June 14, 2021 the daily quota for the tidal recreational fishery for Sockeye Salmon will be two (2) per day in the following area:

That portion of Subareas 23-1 to 23-11 from a line in Alberni Harbour near the mouth of the Somass River beginning at a boundary sign located at 49 degrees 14.190 North latitude and 124 degrees 50.230 West longitude then through the Southernmost point of Hoik Island then to the flashing green light at the mouth of the Somass River then due East to a boundary sign on the opposite shore then seaward to the surf line. (Open from Alberni Harbour to the surf line in Area 23 Cape Beale to Amphitrite Point) except for the following closed areas:

1.	The area known as Uchucklesit Inlet will close to angling for all finfish - effective 00:01 hours June 30, 2021 until 23:59 hours October 31, 2021 this includes that portion of Subarea 23-3 northwest of a line between boundary signs at Brooksby Point and Burrough Point.

2.	Rockfish Conservation Areas

Also effective daily from 05:00 hours to 22:00 hours from May 1, 2021 until July 23, 2021 the daily quota for Sockeye Salmon shall be two (2) per day in the following area:

The tidal portion of the Somass River described as that portion of Subarea 23-1 from the tidal boundary signs at Paper Mill Dam on the Somass River downstream to a line commencing at a boundary sign in upper Alberni Harbour situated at 49 degrees 14.190 minutes North latitude and 124 degrees 50.23 west longitude then through the Southernmost point of Hoik Island then to the flashing green light at the mouth of the Somass River, then due East to a boundary sign on the opposite shore (Tidal Portion of the Somass River) except for the following closed area:

The area known as Papermill Dam Pool will remain closed to angling for all finfish. It includes that portion of 23-1 in the Somass River from signs located near the bottom of the rapids immediately North of Papermill Dam Pool, then downstream to boundary signs located on both sides of the Somass River approximately 60 metres downstream from the Northern tip of the unnamed island directly below Paper Mill Dam Pool.

New Sockeye Measures/Areas effective June 15, 2021 until further notice:

Effective 00:01 hours June 15, 2021 until further notice the daily quota for Sockeye Salmon will remain two (2) per day in the following area:

That portion of Area 23-1 north of a line drawn from the Lone Tree Point navigational light Easterly to a point on the opposite shore located at 49 degrees 11.044 minutes north and 124 degrees 49.552 minutes West. Then North to Port Alberni Harbour to a line from a boundary sign on the Western shore of upper Alberni Harbour situated at 49 degrees 14.190 minutes North latitude and 124 degrees 50.23 West longitude then through the Southernmost point of Hoik Island then to the flashing green light at the mouth of the Somass River, then due East to a boundary sign on the opposite shore.(Lone Tree Point to the mouth of the Somass River) 

Effective 00:01 hours June 15, 2021 until further notice the daily quota for Sockeye salmon will be four (4) per day in the following area:

That portion of Subareas 23-1 to 23-11 South of a line drawn from the Lone Tree Point navigational light Easterly to a point on the opposite shore located at 49 degrees 11.044 minutes North and 124 degrees 49.552 minutes West. Then Southward in the Inlet into outer Barkley Sound to the surf line.(Lone tree Point to the surf line in Area 23, Cape Beale to Amphitrite Point) except for the closed areas listed above and Chinook conservation closed areas beginning August 1, 2021.

Variation Order # 2021- RFQ-243.

On April 8, 2021 DFO staff met with the Area 23 Harvest Committee to discuss fishery planning for Area 23 Somass Sockeye. The attendees at this meeting were representatives from the Hupacasath, Maa-nulth and Tseshaht, First Nations and stakeholders from the commercial gillnet and seine fishery, and the Alberni Valley Sport Fishing Advisory Committee.  A Somass Sockeye pre-season forecast of 350,000 was adopted at this meeting. At this run size fisheries are expected for all sectors this season.
The Somass Sockeye in-season stock assessment program will be in place in 2021. This program collects escapement, test fishing, catch and environmental information on a weekly basis.  This information is reviewed weekly every Thursday for the duration of the season.  This may lead to in-season management changes if conditions warrant.


Barbless hooks are required when fishing for salmon in tidal waters of British Columbia.  

The term "marked" means a hatchery fish that has a healed scar in place of the adipose fin.

Sport anglers are encouraged to participate in the Salmon Sport Head Recovery program by labelling and submitting heads from adipose fin-clipped Chinook and Coho salmon.  Recovery of coded-wire tags provides critical information for coast-wide stock assessment.  Contact the Salmon Sport Head Recovery Program toll free at (866) 483-9994 for further information.

Anglers are advised to check for fishing closures and other recreational fishing information.

Tidal Water Sport Fishing Licences can be purchased via any computer connected to the internet at or by using Google search key words "Recfish Licence".

Did you witness suspicious fishing activity or a violation?  If so, please call the Fisheries and Ocean Canada 24-hour toll free Observe, Record, Report line at (800) 465-4336.

For the 24 hour recorded opening and closure line, call toll free at 
Contact the Fisheries and Oceans Canada Port Alberni office at 250 720 4440 or visit our website at

Fisheries & Oceans Operations Center - FN0436
Sent April 29, 2021 at 1620