Fishery Notice
FN0945-Recreational - Salmon - Region1 - Chinook coho & chum - Non-tidal Nitinat River Opening
Recent rainfalls have increased river discharge levels. Effective immediately to 23:59 hours Friday September 30th 2016 the Nitinat River will open to recreational angling for chinook and coho. The daily limit will be 4 salmon per day of which: " Two (2) may be chinook, of which only one (1) may be greater than 77 cm. in length, and " Two (2) may be coho, marked or unmarked. The Nitinat River closes to all salmon retention from October 1st to October 14th, 2016. This closure is to protect spawning chinook salmon. During this period the daily limit for all salmon is zero (0). The Nitinat River re-opens to recreational angling salmon from 00:01 hours October 15th to 23:59 hours Dec 31st, 2016. The daily limit will be 4 salmon per day of which: " Two (2) may be chum, and " Two (2) may be coho, marked or unmarked. The River remains closed to chinook salmon retention for the remainder of the year. The following portions of the Nitinat River are closed to all fishing: " Upstream of Parker Creek (all year); " Within 100 meter radius of the Nitinat River hatchery water intake and fishway (all year); " Between fishing boundary signs located approximately 100 meters above and below Red Rock Pool (from August 25 until December 31); " From 50 meters upstream to 50 meters downstream of the Nitinat River Bridge (from August 25 until October 15.) " The use of single barbless hooks is mandatory in all streams within Region 1; " All fish foul hooked (i.e. hooked other than in the mouth) must be returned immediately to the river. " Any chinook salmon retained measuring in excess of 50 cm must be recorded on your Non-Tidal Angling Licence. " Upper Nitinat Lake is closed to all angling effective August 01 until October 31 annually. " Wide-spread lack of compliance in the fishery could result in its closure on short notice. NOTE: THE NITINAT RIVER REMAINS CLOSED TO ALL ANGLING YEAR ROUND UPSTREAM OF THE PARKER CREEK NITINAT RIVER CONFLUENCE. Variation order Number: 2016-390 FOR MORE INFORMATION: Contact the nearest Fisheries and Oceans Canada office at or visit our website at
Fisheries & Oceans Operations Center - FN0945
Sent September 2, 2016 at 1410
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Printed from the Pacific Region web site on October 6, 2024 at 0318
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