Fishery Notice

FN0469-RECREATIONAL - Salmon - Northwest Coast Vancouver Island - Areas 25 to 27, and 125 to 127 - Coho Fishing Times and Limits

Continuing conservation concerns for Interior Fraser coho require that 2016 
coho management measures remain precautionary. Unless otherwise specified 
below, the daily limit for coho is two (2) per day, hatchery-marked only from 
June 1 to December 31, 2016. 

Management measures affecting boundaries, finfish closures and salmon non-
retention areas may change in season depending on the Departments review of the 
West Coast Vancouver Island Chinook conservation corridor. 

Any changes to these regulations would come into effect by July 15 and will be 
released in a subsequent fishery notice and posted on the Department's 
recreational fisheries website at

Area 25/125 - Nootka Sound and Esperanza Sound

Please be aware that these limits do not apply to fin-fish closed areas. Please 
check the DFO website referenced at the bottom of this notice for further 

Area 25 - Inshore Nootka and Esperanza Sound
That portion of Subarea 25-1 easterly of a line commencing on the south side of 
Muchalat Inlet at a point 49 degrees 39.49 minutes N and 126 degrees 08.56 
minutes W to a point located at 49 degrees 40.63 minutes N and 126 degrees 
08.52 minutes W on the north side of Muchalat Inlet, and Subareas 25-3 to 25-
16. Effective 00:01 hours June 1 until 23:59 hours December 31, 2016, you may 
retain two (2) coho per day, (hatchery marked or unmarked).

That portion of Subarea 25-1 westerly of a line commencing on the south side of 
Muchalat Inlet at a point 49 degrees 39.49 minutes N and 126 degrees 08.56 
minutes W to a point located at 49 degrees 40.63 minutes N and 126 degrees 
08.52 minutes W on the north side of Muchalat Inlet, and Subarea 25-2. 
Effective 00:01 hours June 1 until 23:59 hours July 14, 2016, you may retain 
two (2) coho per day, (hatchery marked or unmarked). Effective 00:01 hours July 
15 until 23:59 hours October 15, 2016, this becomes a salmon non-retention 
area. Effective 00:01 hours October 16 until 23:59 hours December 31, 2016, you 
may retain two (2) coho per day, (hatchery marked or unmarked).

Area 125 - Offshore Nootka and Esperanza Sound 
Area 125. Effective 00:01 hours June 1 until 23:59 hours December 31, 2016, you 
may retain two (2) coho per day (hatchery marked only). 

Area 26/126 - Kyuquot Sound

Please be aware that these limits do not apply to fin-fish closed areas. Please 
check the DFO website referenced at the bottom of this notice for further 

Area 26 - Inner Kyuquot Sound
Subareas 26-2 to 26-5, that portion of Subarea 26-6 shoreward of a line from 
the most westerly point of Union Island to a boundary marker on the opposite 
shore of Vancouver Island, that portion of Subarea 26-8 shoreward of the 
boundary signs on opposite sides at the entrance to Malksope Inlet and Subarea 
26-9. Effective 00:01 hours June 1 until 23:59 hours July 14, 2016, you may 
retain two (2) coho per day, (hatchery marked or unmarked)

Effective 00:01 hours July 15 until 23:59 hours October 15, 2016, these 
Subareas are salmon non-retention.

Effective 00:01 hours October 16 until 23:59 hours December 31, 2016, you may 
retain two (2) coho per day, (hatchery marked or unmarked)

Area 26 - Outer Kyuquot Sound

Subareas 26-1, 26-6 seaward of a line from the most westerly point of Union 
Island to a boundary marker on the opposite shore of Vancouver Island, Subarea 
26-7, that portion of Subarea 26-8 seaward of the boundary signs on opposite 
sides at the entrance to Malksope Inlet, that portion of Subarea 26-10 easterly 
of the Rockfish Conservation Boundary and Subarea 26-11. Effective 00:01 hours 
June 1 until 23:59 hours December 31, 2016, you may retain two (2) coho per 
day, (hatchery marked or unmarked)

Area 126 - Offshore Kyuquot Sound 
Effective 00:01 hours June 1 until 23:59 hours December 31, 2016, you may 
two (2) coho per day (hatchery marked only). 

Area 27/127 Quatsino Sound

Please be aware that these limits do not apply to fin-fish closed areas. Please 
check the DFO website referenced at the 
bottom of this notice for further information. 

Area 27 - Inshore Quatsino Sound
Subareas 27-1 to 27-3 shoreward of the surfline, Areas 27-7 to 27-11 and Area 
127 shoreward of a line drawn 1 nautical seaward of the surfline between Cape 
Scott and Lawn Point, this is also known as the outer edge of the chinook 
corridor. Effective 00:01 hours June 1 until 23:59 hours December 31, 2016, you 
may retain two (2) coho per day (hatchery marked or unmarked).

Area 127 - Offshore Quatsino Sound
Area 127 and Subarea 27-4- seaward of a line drawn 1 nautical seaward of the 
surfline, this is also known as the outer edge of the chinook corridor. 
Effective 00:01 hours June 1 until 23:59 hours December 31, 2016, you may 
retain two (2) coho per day (hatchery marked only). 

Refer to the following website link for a description of the Area and Subarea 
maps and for information on salmon non-retention areas and fishing closures:


Barbless hooks are required when fishing for salmon in tidal and non-tidal 
waters of British Columbia.  

Anglers are requested to release any hatchery marked sockeye.  These fish are 
hatchery raised sockeye and part of a recovery program designed to increase the 
numbers of Cultus Lake sockeye.

The term "hatchery marked" means a fish that has a healed scar in place of the 
adipose fin.

Sport anglers are encouraged to participate in the Salmon Sport Head Recovery 
program by labeling and submitting heads from adipose fin-clipped chinook and 
coho salmon.  Recovery of coded-wire tags provides critical information for 
coast-wide stock assessment.  Contact the Salmon Sport Head Recovery Program 
toll free at (866) 483-9994 for further information.

Rockfish Conservation Areas that are currently in effect and are closed to all 
fin fishing.  Descriptions of these closures, and other recreational fishing 
information, can be found on the Internet at:

Did you witness suspicious fishing activity or a violation?  If so, please call 
the Fisheries and Ocean Canada 24-hour toll free Observe, Record, Report line 
at 1-800-465-4336.

For the 24 hour recorded opening and closure line, call toll free at 
1-866-431-FISH (3474).

Variation Order No. 2016-231. 

Contact the nearest Fisheries and Oceans Canada office or visit our website at 

Fisheries & Oceans Operations Center - FN0469
Sent June 1, 2016 at 1438