Fishery Notice
FN0378-RECREATIONAL - Salmon - Areas 18, 19 and 29 - Chinook Management Actions
Consistent with the 2015/16 Southern BC Salmon Integrated Fisheries Management Plan, the Department is implementing management measures to protect Fraser River Spring 4(2) chinook populations as they migrate to the Fraser River. Effective Dates: 00:01 hours May 9 until 23:59 hours June 17, 2016 Waters: Subareas 18-1 to 18-6, 18-9 and 18-11, 19-5, and that portion of Subareas 29-4 and 29-5 that lies south of a line from a point on the east side of Valdes Island located at 49 deg 05.562 min N, 123 deg 39.989 min W then extending 57 degrees True for 5 nautical miles to a point at 49 deg 08.316 min N, 123 deg 33.669 min W. Management Measures: The daily limit is two (2) chinook salmon per day of which only one (1) chinook may be greater than 67 cm. The minimum size limit for chinook salmon in these waters is 62 cm. The Department is currently reviewing management measures to protect Fraser Spring and Summer 5(2) chinook that will be required after June 17, 2016. An update on these management measures will be announced in a subsequent fishery notice. Variation Order: 2016-199 Notes: Barbless hooks are required when fishing for salmon in tidal waters of British Columbia. Sport anglers are encouraged to participate in the Salmon Sport Head Recovery program by labelling and submitting heads from adipose fin-clipped chinook and coho salmon. Recovery of coded-wire tags provides critical information for coast-wide stock assessment. Contact the Salmon Sport Head Recovery Program toll free at (866) 483-9994 for further information. Anglers are advised to check for fishing closures and other recreational fishing information. Tidal Water Sport Fishing Licences can be purchased via any computer connected to the internet at or by using Google search key words "Recfish Licence". Did you witness suspicious fishing activity or a violation? If so, please call the Fisheries and Ocean Canada 24-hour toll free Observe, Record, Report line at (800) 465-4336. For the 24 hour recorded opening and closure line, call toll free at 1-(866)431-FISH (3474). FOR MORE INFORMATION: Contact the local DFO office in your area for further information.
Fisheries & Oceans Operations Center - FN0378
Sent May 5, 2016 at 1433
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