Fishery Notice
RECREATIONAL - Fin Fish (Other than Salmon)
FN0410-RECREATIONAL - Surf Smelt - Areas 28 and 29 - Spawning Closure and Reminder of Recreational Fishery Open Times - Amendment to FN0371
Pelagics Surf Smelt: This notice is an Amendment to FN0371: Correction to conservation closure period. The full corrected notice follows. The recreational fishery is open from 8:00 am Thursdays to 8:00 am Mondays, except for the conservation closure period. Conservation closure from June 15, 2014 to August 15, 2014 to protect surf smelt during the peak spawning period when they are most vulnerable to fishing activities. Fishing is permitted in the following areas: (a) Area 28, excluding: - Subarea 28-8, False Creek. (Navigational Closure) - Subarea 28-10, Burrard Inlet. (Navigational Closure) - That portion of Subarea 28-4, east of a line drawn from a white fishing boundary sign located on the south shore of Porteau Cove to a white fishing boundary sign located on the north shore of Porteau Cove. (Marine Reserve) - That portion of Subarea 28-2 bounded by a line commencing from the most southerly point of Whytecliff Park; thence in a straight line to a point located 100 m east of the most south-easterly point of Whyte Inlet.; thence following the southern shoreline of Whyte Inlet at a distance of 100 m to a point lying 100 m from the most south-westerly point of Whyte Inlet; thence in a straight line to a point lying 100 m west of White Cliff Point; thence following the shoreline at a distance of 100 m in a northerly direction to a point 100 m north of Lookout Point; thence following the shoreline at a distance of 100 m in an easterly direction to a point 100 m perpendicular to the most northerly point of Whytecliff Park; thence to the most northerly point of Whytecliff Park on the mainland. (Marine Reserve) - Subarea 28-6 bounded by a line commencing at the southwest entrance to Starboat Cove thence seaward in a southwest direction for 85 m, thence westerly following the shoreline for 100 m, thence in a northeast direction to a point on land. (Conservation Closure) (b) Area 29 VO Number 2014-241 is in effect. FOR MORE INFORMATION: Bridget Ennevor Lower Fraser Area (604) 666-6390
Fisheries & Oceans Operations Center - FN0410
Sent May 27, 2014 at 1256
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Printed from the Pacific Region web site on March 6, 2025 at 1824
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