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Fishery Notice

ABORIGINAL - General Information
COMMERCIAL - Invertebrates: Clam - Intertidal
COMMERCIAL - Invertebrates: Clam - Razor
COMMERCIAL - Invertebrates: Geoduck and Horseclam
COMMERCIAL - Invertebrates: Oyster
COMMERCIAL - Invertebrates: Scallop by Dive
COMMERCIAL - Invertebrates: Scallop by Trawl
General Information
RECREATIONAL - General Information
Sanitary/Other Contamination Closures
FN0811-SANITARY - Area 2 - Sanitary Contamination Emergency Closure 2.aa for Bivalve Shellfish in Sandspit is now revoked

Environment Canada and Canadian Food Inspection Agency have advised that the 
emergency closure in Area 2, the waters and intertidal foreshore inside a 
radius of 3 km from the wastewater treatment plant outfall located at or near 
53° 15.10' north latitude and 131° 49.56'west longitude, enacted on August 17, 
2012 as a result of a sewage spill from the Sandspit Airport Wastewater Pump 
Station is no longer necessary.  Therefore, emergency closure 2.aa for bivalve 
shellfish, as described below, is now revoked.

Emergency Closure Area 2.aa - 

Harvesting of bivalve shellfish is prohibited within the waters and intertidal 
foreshore inside a radius of 3 km from the wastewater treatment plant outfall 
located at or near 53° 15.10' north latitude and 131° 49.56'west longitude.

Detailed bivalve shellfish closure information and maps are available at our 

and at local DFO offices.

For more information, contact a local DFO office or Elysha Gordon at 250-756-

Fisheries & Oceans Operations Center - FN0811
Sent September 7, 2012 at 1158