Fishery Notice

COMMERCIAL - Invertebrates: Sea Urchin - Red
FN0391-COMMERCIAL - Red Sea Urchins - All Areas- Area Licensing Selection Results.

The first round of licence area selection for the next two red sea urchin seasons (August 1, 2020 to July 31, 2022) is complete.  9 area selection forms were submitted 
to the department prior to the April 17, 2020 deadline.  9 of the forms submitted selected the south coast licence area.  An additional 24 licences were placed in the 
south coast licence area by default.  These were licences that were eligible for the south coast in the last season, and did not submit a new selection form for the 
2020 to 2022 area selection process.  None of the forms submitted selected the north coast licence area. 77 licences were placed in the north coast licence area by 
After the first round, a total of 33 licences are currently designated to the south coast licence area.  77 licence tabs are designated to the north coast licence 
area.  With this licence distribution the south coast individual quota will equal approximately 64,303 lb.  The north coast individual quota will equal approximately 
107,285 lb. The Total Allowable Catch and Area Quotas are not yet finalized. 

The following is a list of the licence tabs currently designated to the South Coast licence area. 

South Coast Licences: 

FZC 18
FZC 19
FZC 21
FZC 25
ZC 1
ZC 2
ZC 6
ZC 7
ZC 17*
ZC 22
ZC 23
ZC 24*
ZC 25*
ZC 30
ZC 35
ZC 44
ZC 45*
ZC 46*
ZC 48* 
ZC 49*
ZC 70
ZC 72
ZC 77
ZC 91*
ZC 92
ZC 95
ZC 99
ZC 106*
ZC 110
ZC 112
ZC 114

* changed from North Coast to South Coast in this round.

Any licence not listed above is currently designated to the North Coast licence area for the next two fishing seasons (August 1, 2020 to July 31, 2022).

All licence eligibility holders now have the opportunity to change the licence area they wish to fish for the next two seasons (August 1, 2020 to July 31, 2022). Any 
eligibility holder wishing to change areas must submit their fully completed second round area selection form to the department prior to April 28, 2020.  Any forms 
submitted after this date will not be considered.  If a fully completed and signed second round selection form is not emailed to the department prior to April 28, 2020 
the licence tab will remain designated to the licence area it was placed in following the first round of selection.

The second round selection form is the last opportunity licence eligibility holders have to change licence areas for the next two seasons (August 1, 2020 to July 31, 

For more information please contact Pauline Ridings at 

Fisheries & Oceans Operations Center - FN0391
Sent April 20, 2020 at 1625