Fishery Notice

ABORIGINAL - General Information
COMMERCIAL - Herring - Roe: Test Fishery
COMMERCIAL - Herring: Spawn on Kelp
FN0372-ABORIGINAL and COMMERCIAL - Herring - Roe Test Fishery - Areas 6 to 10 - Central Coast - Update April 9, 2020

Central Coast Herring Bulletin #9
April 9, 2020: 

Dive boats Ocean Cloud and Pachena continue to assess spawn in Areas 6 and 8. 
Completion dates are currently set for April 10 and April 15, 2020.   

No new spawn, nor significant sign of wildlife activity was observed on the 
herring flight of Wednesday April 8, 2020.  No additional flights are scheduled 
at this time.   

Spawn Information (to date):

Area  6 Total Spawn ---- Assessment ongoing, 6.8nm in Weeteeam Bay 
Area  7 Total Spawn ---- 57.07nm of spawn, light to heavy density
Area  8 Total Spawn ---- Assessment ongoing
Area 10 Total Spawn ---- Assessment ongoing


Area 7
Troupe Passage ----------------- April 8,  75 tons, no new spawn
Gunboat Channel ---------------- April 8,  50 tons, on outside
Area 8
Namu --------------------------- April 5, 100 tons in 7 schools
Good Lad Bay ------------------- April 5,  50 tons 

Area 10
No new spawn has been observed  

Any intense fish sounding mammal, bird, whale, or herring spawn observations 
are requested to be reported.   

Scratches - Herring present in small schools 1 to 2 tons
Skimmer - Herring spread out near the surface, difficult to quantify
Fish on bottom (FOB) - Herring too close to the bottom to quantify
NFF - No Fish Found
Washed out spawn - Spawn that is coming to an end
Miles - Means nautical miles for this bulletin

ROE TEST CODE: Date;Location;roe yield;fish size;males:females;#1-#2-#3-
#spawned-#juvenile;(roe weight g:fish weight g)

DFO's Conservation and Protection Program continues to provide a critical 
function in the Federal Government's management of Canada's marine resources. 
Regular integrated patrols by fishery officers on land, sea and air are ongoing.


Bradley Koroluk 250-799-5127 

Fisheries & Oceans Operations Center - FN0372
Sent April 9, 2020 at 1108