Fishery Notice

ABORIGINAL - General Information
COMMERCIAL - Salmon: Gill Net
COMMERCIAL - Salmon: Seine
COMMERCIAL - Salmon: Troll
FN0749-Salmon - Fraser River Sockeye Update - Areas 11 to 29 - August 5, 2014

The Fraser River Panel met on Tuesday, August 5, 2014 to receive an update on 
the migration of the Fraser sockeye runs and review the status of migration 
conditions in the Fraser River watershed.	

The migration of sockeye through marine and lower Fraser River assessment areas 
and past the Mission hydroacoustic site has increased over the past week. 
Catches in the Area 12 and 13 seine test fisheries have remained above average 
for this period, while Area 20 seine and gillnet test fisheries in marine areas 
continue to be lower than average and expected. In river test fisheries have 
shown increased catches in recent days. 

Recent stock identification analyses from the Area 12 purse seine test fishery 
indicated Fraser sockeye contributions of approximately 23% Early Summer-run, 
58% Summer-run sockeye, and 19% Late-run. In the Fraser River, the proportions 
of each stock in the most recent samples are 4% Early Stuart, 48% Early 
Summers, 46% Summers and 2% Late Run.

The estimated upriver migration of sockeye past Mission through July 31st is 
848,700 fish in total of which 231,100 are estimated to be Early Stuart 
sockeye, 290,600 Early Summer run, 313,100 Summer run and 13,900 Late Run. 

River discharge levels have decreased over the past week to a level of 3,642 
cms on August 4, which is 16 percent below the historical average discharge for 
this date (4,324 cms).  Water temperature at Qualark is 19.8 degrees Celsius, 
which is 2.2 degrees Celsius above the average temperature for this date.  No 
forecast was available for today's meeting, however water temperatures are 
expected to increase in the coming days and discharge levels are expected to 
remain below average. 

At today's meeting, the Fraser River Panel made no changes to the adopted run 
size or management adjustments for any of the run timing groups.  Management 
adjustments are additional fish that are allowed to escape upstream to help 
achieve spawning escapement targets for Fraser River sockeye. 

FSC fisheries targeting Early Summer and Summer run sockeye are ongoing or 
being planned.  Fishers are requested to check updated times and restrictions 
for their local area. 

The commercial fisheries for Area D gillnet, Area B seine and Area H troll are 
being planned to start Wednesday August 6. Details for these fisheries will be 
posted in a separate fishery notices.  

The earliest possible fisheries for Area E gillnet and Area G troll will be 
early next week with final decisions on fishing plans to be confirmed following 
the next Fraser Panel meeting on Friday, August 8.

First Nation economic opportunity fisheries in the Lower Fraser River are also 
under consideration.
Retention of sockeye in Marine and Lower Fraser River recreational fisheries 
continue.  Refer to fishery notices FN0720 and FN0721 for details.

The next in-season meeting of the Panel is scheduled to occur on Friday, August 
8, 2014.


Jennifer Nener 604-666-6478

Fisheries & Oceans Operations Center - FN0749
Sent August 5, 2014 at 1447