Fishery Notice

ABORIGINAL - General Information
COMMERCIAL - Invertebrates: Clam - Intertidal
COMMERCIAL - Invertebrates: Clam - Razor
COMMERCIAL - Invertebrates: Geoduck and Horseclam
COMMERCIAL - Invertebrates: Oyster
COMMERCIAL - Invertebrates: Scallop by Trawl
General Information
Sanitary/Other Contamination Closures
FN1003-SANITARY - Emergency Sanitary Closure in portions of Subarea 14-1, 14-2, 14-3 and 14-4, has been revoked

As a follow up to Emergency Closure 14.yy, invoked on Sunday, August 20, 2017, 
at the French Creek Pollution Control Center, Environment and Climate Change 
Canada (ECCC) has received confirmation the work has been completed on the 
contact splitter box and the temporary bypass of partially treated effluent 
ceased on September 5, 2017. This area has remained closed greater than the 21-
day minimum closure period required after the cessation of the temporary bypass 
of partially treated sewage, and is no longer necessary. 

As per Appendix VIII of the Canadian Shellfish Sanitation Program Manual of 
Operations, ECCC recommends that Emergency Closure 14.yy be revoked and that 
the classification around the outfall terminus return to the standard 300m 
Prohibited area around industrial and sanitary sewage outfalls.

Therefore, emergency closure 14.yy for bivalve shellfish, as described below, 
is now revoked

Emergency Closure Area 14.yy - French Creek - The waters and intertidal 
foreshore of Georgia Strait near French Creek inside a line drawn from a point 
on land at 49°21.26' north latitude and 124°22.97' west longitude, thence 
northeasterly to a point in water at 49°22.54' north latitude and 124°22.29' 
west longitude, thence southeasterly to a point in water at 49°22.24' north 
latitude and 124°20.71' west longitude, thence southerly to a point on land at 
49°20.49' north latitude and 124°20.68' west longitude, thence northwesterly 
following the shoreline of French Creek and Columbia Beach to the point of 
commencement.  [NAD 83]

Detailed bivalve shellfish closure information and maps are available at our 

and at local DFO offices.

For more information contact a local DFO office, Elysha Gordon at 250-756-7192.

Fisheries & Oceans Operations Center - FN1003
Sent September 26, 2017 at 1445